
I Visited You

I Visited You

25 June 2005

I dreamt that I approached a very old and very beautiful 2-storey house...its timbers had been bleached white and weathered as smooth as can be, by centuries of wind and rain and sun. I was carrying the books I've written so the owner of this house could check them out and ok me to be a preacher. The door was answered by two exceptionally beautiful women...a mother and her daughter. I did not think that I knew the mother who appeared weary and care-worn. But she said to me, "I have visited you, but you treated me as if I did not exist." Her daughter was by contrast carefree and happy and related very warmly to me.

I am presently being affected by this dream along the following lines:

1) The house is the Body of Christ, which is the Church. (Romans 12.5, Ephesians 4.4-6) There are many churches, but there is still only one Body. We need to restore out primary loyalty as being to His Body, in all the full fulness of its panoramic historical and present day vastness and scope and diversity. Our secondary and tertiary loyalties should go to our local churches and various movements/denominations. By and large we have this back to front at the moment. It's going to take the whole Body to carry the whole anointing bestowed by the Head to save the whole of the nation of Aotearoa-New Zealand.

2) In the social, political and religious heat and turmoil of these Last Days, it's going to be increasingly imperative that Christians (and especially Christian leaders) willingly and graciously surrender "every opinion to His dominion". When the crunch comes let's let "God be found true, though every man be found a liar". (Romans 3.4)

3) The "mother" is the 90's Revival (Toronto Blessing, Move of God etc)...and her "daughter" is the next visitation. Hallelujah. A new revival (2nd wave) is on the just around the corner. But we will be best prepared for it by looking unflinchingly and listening unguardedly at what has just been. For a whole bunch of reasons (known best to each one of us individually) we were not able to receive and embrace the ultimate purposes (unending national and global revival) of the 90's Revival. If we can stomach the "mother's" painful and yet tender rebuke, perhaps we may be able to minimise the chances of our treating her "daughter" similarly. (John 1.10-11, Psalm 78.40-41, Ephesians 4.30)

4) I fully expect God's next visitation to be all about "in the Last Days, says God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh"...the entire human race simultaneously in all of its fallen-ness and broken-ness. (Joel 2.28, Acts 2.17)